Tobias Meixner actively supported us in many ways in the Agro Innovation Lab office this spring. He has now completed his bachelor studies with a thesis on the subject of the drone.

We were pleased to welcome Tobias to our team between mid-February and the end of April. The professional internship formed part of his studies in “Agricultural Technology & Digital Farming” at the University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt (Lower Austria).

Tobias, how was the internship at our company for you?

From day one, I was able to participate in a wide variety of tasks and was immediately warmly welcomed into the team. Thanks to my programming skills, I was able to implement a small simplification in our data management system in the very first week. Towards the end of my internship, we jointly developed a tool designed to facilitate the otherwise tedious evaluation of statistics for the soil sampling service.

Your bachelor thesis deals with the topic “Drones in Austrian agriculture and forestry”. Were you able to gain much experience in this field?

I dealt a lot with drones and their areas of application. I was also able to support my colleagues in planning the trichogramma application.

Your conclusions about the internship?

This internship was beneficial to both sides. I was able to learn a great deal and gain an insight into working life while simultaneously taking some pressure off the team.

Thank you, Tobias, for your valuable help in the team. We wish you all the best for the future!