We’re pleased that AIL colleagues are constantly being invited to act as speakers. Here’s a review of some of the latest events.

Events for farmers are booming, especially in winter, when work on the fields takes a short pause. We naturally like to take advantage of this period by informing farmers about the latest agricultural trends and fulfilling our mission of making their life easier in the long term. The subject of robotics, which has been emerging in agriculture for many years, is very important here. The AIL is currently working on products from Naïo Technologies, of whom RWA has been a sales partner since 2019, as well as the ARA spot spraying system from Ecorobotix. These were amongst the topics addressed by Georg during the 70. Wintertagung des Ökosozialen Forums at the end of January.

The Lagerhaus Cooperatives are also very active and organised a range of information events for their customers. Georg visited a number of cooperatives including Wiener Becken, Mostviertel Mitte and Marchfeld in order to talk to farmers about some of the latest ideas. He also presented soil testing and other tried and tested services offered by our partner, the RWA Farming Innovations Department, the Lagerhaus Weather Service and “Underseeding by Drone”, a new service that is being jointly researched by the Farming Innovations Department and the AIL.

LFS Lambach offered a very special opportunity when it invited all graduating classes from Upper Austrian agricultural technical colleges to study days and organised lectures for them. Georg spoke to the about 50 students about agricultural innovation in general, about our steady success in bringing new technology to Austria and about the innovations that are currently in the pipeline and waiting to be tested by – and further developed together with – innovative farmers.

We would like to thank all the organisers for their invitations and are delighted by every opportunity to fulfil our mission of making innovation accessible to agriculture.

Photos: (c) AIL